

During 3 years I worked about the plight of ostracised Indian widows. This is the incredible story of social reformer Bindeshwar Pathak bringing happiness into the lives of Indian widows, a story from despair to hope. A book, Angels of Ghost Street, has been published by Edition Lammerhuber.

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Widow in Vrindavan
Indian journalists' outrage, as expressed in Aarti Dhar's well documented series in The HIndu or Dheera Sujan's in RNW, raised awareness of this tragic situation.

J. VENKATESAN wrote: “The Supreme Court on Friday expressed shock at the inhuman disposal of the bodies of widows, who lived in government shelter homes at Vrindavan, by chopping them into pieces on the plea of lack of money for proper cremation.”

By the end of 2011, the Supreme Court was moved, and required the State Governments to provide decent cremations to deceased widows, and asked NGOs to study how to quickly remedy the plight of these women.
En 2011 la journaliste Aarti Dhar publie dans The Hindu une série d'articles indignés et détaillés sur cette tragique situation. La Cour Suprême s'émeut, elle contraint les Etats à assurer aux défuntes démunies une crémation décente et demande à des ONG d'étudier ce qui pourrait être fait pour améliorer la situation des veuves.

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