

Photos du thème abordé dans ce texte
Une photo de la galerie DANCING NIGHT LIGHTS
Une photo de la galerie DANCING NIGHT LIGHTS
Une photo de la galerie DANCING NIGHT LIGHTS

Sacred lights

Xavier Zimbardo is the contemporary photographer who knows how to combine lighting and shadows with the skill of a choreographer who plays with lights with an almost childlike glee. He writes in the manner of Caravaggio who, according to the famous Italian art critic Giuseppe Ungaretti, “forces light to crush reality to then rebuild it from its luminous debris, in the bliss and the frenzy of the senses”.

On the palette of contemporary photography, Xavier Zimbardo has a special place. He is the link between us all, reporters and creators. As Pietr Mondrian emphasized: "the position of the artist is humble, he is essentially a channel".

Since his debut in the photography club of Sarcelles, his hometown, to the international reputation which is his today, the adept of a photography undergoing a permanent revolution has never stopped fighting on two parallel fronts: a humanistic photography constantly involved with a reality he illuminates with profound tolerance, and the right to permanent exploration of the photographic image, on which he sheds the light of daily creativity. "Very professional but keeping the faith and the joy of a true amateur, I am a lover of life and art" says Xavier Zimbardo. He is first and foremost inhabited by the spirit of photography, even before he inhabits the spirit of the places he discovers. He is both the Béjart and the Pollock of a permanent choreography of light "using the craters of brightness created by the diaphragm aperture as a snake brush of luminous lava "; Xavier is on a constant quest for bedazzlement. At first glance, thanks to his thorough knowledge of all techniques involved in traditional and digital photography, his pictures have a sometimes explosive beauty, but they are always rich in "vibrations", always genuine. He wields his camera as a painter’s brush to spread on canvas or on walls the colorful kingdoms he claims for himself, and he traces the path of light of artistic creation madly dedicated to taking pleasure in moving light.

Xavier Zimbardo is the archetypal painter-photographer of the luxuriance of light; he is both a Newton and a Faraday; he magnetizes our gaze to ignite the spark of true emotion; the spark of delight with the work of a magician of photography. He loves to say: “despite our fascinating digital tools, we should never forget we are the siblings of the Lascaux and Fayoum painters. Tools are not naught, and authors are not everything. It’s all about transforming them into “something” whose name is: “Splendor” .

Let us not deprive ourselves of the pleasure of being dazzled.

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